My first job…or should I say mistake, was in retail. I still can’t believe that lasted a year,
sta-ress-ful! Another job was roofing, 3 stories up in the blazing sun, FUN. At least my boss was afraid of heights, hilarious moron! Guitar Center was fun and being always around music was awesome. However, not having a conniving soul, there was no way to make a commission and you can’t make a living on minimum wage. Other jobs included lots of security work and 11+ years of warehouse work, plus a 6-month stint in the California Conservation Corp (CCC).
With most of my working history being largely labor intensive, the transition has been rather educational, interesting and fun. Office work has been life altering both mentally and physically. My computer knowledge has more than doubled, and I’m no longer on my feet but sitting around on my duff all day. My tasks fall under primarily general Admin functions such as filing, typing, shredding documents, MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint. I also spend time researching book printers, publishers, graphic novel artists, other literary companies, and conventions. The researching part is the least alien to me even though I haven’t done any since high school. I really enjoy my current job and its challenges. I hope to continue to do so, well into the future.
I’ve found exercise becoming more important, due to having to counter-balance the characteristically lethargic office work. When not working, I find bowling, soccer, football, biking, and camping enjoyable. While indoors I’m usually playing video games, listening to or playing music. Watching movies is also great for some real down time. Above all, spending time with friends and family is best, on its own or doing any of the aforementioned activities.